Hallgatói portál

Incoming Mobility

Erasmus+ coordinators

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Erasmus+ coordinators, who will be happy to help you with your mobility arrangements.

Vajda Tünde
Faculty of Business and Economics

Darabos Kíra
Faculty of Engineering

Ihász Petra
Faculty of Humanities

Kovács-Ujvári Orsolya
Faculty of Information Technology

Erasmus+ Application

Spring semester application deadline

1st October

Autumn semester application deadline

3rd April

University of Pannonia

with its modern facilities and varied programs, the university is renowned for the quality of its teaching and welcoming atmosphere. Our courses are taught by highly qualified professors who are passionate about their field and dedicated to your success. Whether you're interested in the sciences, humanities, engineering or business, you'll find a program that matches your interests and goals. Enjoy state-of-the-art laboratories and plenty of study space. Our dedicated international team is here to help you every step of the way, from your arrival to your integration into university life. Get involved in clubs, sports and cultural events. Get involved in university life and make lasting memories. This university is not only a place of academic achivement, it's also a place where you can grow personally and professionally.

Bakony-Balaton region

While academic work is a top priority, the Bakony-Balaton region offers a wealth of experiences to enrich your time beyond the classroom. Situated in this picturesque area, our university is surrounded by the lush forests of the Bakony Hills and the serene waters of Lake Balaton. Between your studies, take the opportunity to explore charming villages, hike scenic trails, and enjoy water sports on Central Europe's largest lake. Immerse yourself in the region's rich history, visit ancient castles, and experience local culture through vibrant festivals. Balancing your academic pursuits with these adventures will make your university experience truly unforgettable.

Useful Information

How to get to Veszprém from Budapest?

From the airport

Step 1. Get to Budapest city centre

Budapest Airport (BUD), the largest and most important international airport in Hungary, also known as Ferenc Liszt International Airport, is located 16 kms southeast of Budapest city center.

Way 1.

100E is a direct bus line, which connects the airport Terminal 2 and Deák Ferenc Square in the city center. The bus operates in both directions around the clock, seven days a week. The ticket costs 2200 HUF (5.60 euro) and the journey lasts around 40 minutes. Take off at Deák Ferenc Square.

Way 2.

Line 200E connects the airport with Kőbánya Kispest railway station, from where you can take a metro line M3 to reach the city center. 200E bus leaves every 10 minutes, from 04:00 to 23:00 from Terminal 2. One bus ride and one metro ride cost 450 HUF (1 EUR) each.

Step 2. Reach the bus station or the train station

Depending on your preferred way of travelling, you can reach the Nepliget bus station or the Déli train station. Take Metro line 3 (450 HUF (1 EUR) from Deák Ferenc Square to reach Budapest Népliget bus station in around 15 minutes.

In order to reach the Déli train station, take metro line M2 (450 HUF (1 EUR). The way will take approximately 15 minutes.

Step 3. Buy bus / train tickets

The following sources will be useful for you to schedule your bus or train ride:

Bus and train schedule: https://www.menetrendek.hu/mobile/?lng=en

Train schedule: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/

You can buy a bus ticket from the terminal at the Népliget bus station (with cash or crdit card) or directly from the driver (with cash only).

Train tickets can be bought online in advance (see the sources above) or from the terminals at the train station.

Step 4.

You can reach the campus by intercity bus. When getting on the bus in Budapest, ask the driver whether the bus stops at Komakút tér.

In case if you get off at the bus or train station, take the bus 4 or 4A until Komakút tér (lower campus), József Attila Street (Hostel Magister) or Hóvirág Street (Central Dormitory).

How to get to Nagykanizsa from Budapest?

It is possible to reach Nagykanizsa by either bus (from Népliget bus station) or train (from Budapest-Déli train station).

The following sources will be useful for you to schedule your bus or train ride:

Bus and train schedule: https://www.menetrendek.hu/mobile/?lng=en

Train schedule: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/

How to get to Kőszeg from Budapest?

The most convenient way to travel from Budapest to Kőszeg is to take the InterCity train between Budapest Keleti or Kelenföld station and Szombathely.

In Szombathely, you have to transfer tot he local bus or train to Kőszeg. In case if you decidet o continue your trip by bus (in around 100 meters from the train station), please pay with coins, since the drivers do not accept large banknotes.

 Make sure that you have cash in Hungarian forints in order to pay for the bus.

To plan your trip conveniently, you can use the following websites:

The following sources will be useful for you to schedule your bus or train ride:

Bus and train schedule: https://www.menetrendek.hu/mobile/?lng=en

Train schedule: https://www.mavcsoport.hu/

Local transport in Veszprém

Veszprém has its own public transport system which you can use if you buy a ticket or a pass. When starting your journey, you have to show your pass or validate your ticket. With a student card, you receive a discount on your monthly pass.

If purchased online or from a terminal at the bus stop, a one-time bus ticket costs 350 HUF. It is also possible to buy a ticket from the driver (with cash only) for 550 HUF.

Monthly student pass can be purchased for 350 HUF from one of the following applications:

Közlekedési Mobiljegy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hu.nemzetimobilfizetes.mobiljegyapp&hl=hu

Simple Application



Travel around Hungary by public transport

Did you know that you are going to study in the university that is the closest to the biggest lake of Central Europe? 

Lake Balaton is only a few minutes away from Veszprém, you can hop on a bus going to the nearest lakeside towns (Balatonalmádi, Alsóörs, Csopak and others) from the main bus station. 

With frequent buses and cheap tickets you can reach Balaton in around 20 minutes.

Besides Lake Balaton and the surrounding area, there are many other amazing places not far from Veszprém, which you can visit. Add these destinations into your bucket list!

  • Budapest – the capital of Hungary and the largest city in the country. Stay for the whole weekend to fully enjoy the atmosphere and fun in the city!

  • Szekesfehervár, with its historical atmosphere and a romantic Bory Castle

  • Tapolca – a small town with its unique lake cave system

  • Győr – one of the largest cities of Hungary with rich culture and history

  • Tihany – the city of lavender and spectacular views

  • Velencei Lake – a picturesque place for rest and fun

  • Do not forget about other campuses of the University of Pannonia – Zalaegerszeg, Nagykanizsa, Ajka and Kőszeg!

  • If you are up for a longer trip, check out other student cities: Szeged, Pécs, Debrecen, Miskolc

As a student, you have an opportunity to obtain a student pass for a reduced fare, which you can use all around the country, on both buses and trains.

Apply Here!

Ready to take your academic experience to the next level? Apply here for mobility opportunities! This is your gateway to exploring a world of educational and research possibilities at your partner institution, University of Pannonia. Simply complete the application form to begin your journey toward studying, interning, or conducting research abroad. Don’t miss out on the chance to expand your horizons and enhance your university experience. Start your application now and take the first step towards an exciting global adventure!

Please send an email to erasmus@uni-pannon.hu

information needed:

  • Name of the sending institution

  • Erasmus code of the sending institution

  • Contact person of the sending institution, e-mail

  • Student’s first, last name

  • Place and date of birth

  • Nationality

  • E-mail

  • Permanent address

  • Field/level of study and code at the sending institution

  • Applied semester: spring (summer)/autumn (winter)

  • Student’s language competence

  • Date of arrival and leaving

  • Motivation letter 

  • Student’s signature

    You need to upload: copy of your language certificate, accomodation application form, passport copy, transcript of records, learing agreement for studies /traineeships

Academic calendar 2024/25

Application procedure

Accomodation for ERASMUS+ Students

ECTS grading scale

Erasmus fact sheet 2023/24

English taught course lists

Pannónia Ösztöndíjprogram: Jelentkezési lap

Személyes adatok:


Jelenlegi tanulmányi adatok:

BA szintű és 3. v 4. éves képzések 2 = MA, egyetemi és más posztgraduális képzések, kiegészítő-képzés 3 = doktori szint

Pályázat típusa:

Küldő intézmény adatai:
Pannon Egyetem Erasmus kód: HU VESZPRE 01, Intézményi felelős: Kandó Kata, Intézményi Erasmus/Pannónia koordinátor, Oktatási Igazgatóság, Nemzetközi Mobilitási Osztály, „A” épület, földszint, 5-ös iroda

Az intézmény ahová a hallgató pályázik

Lásd a pályázati felhívást. Három fogadóintézmény megpályázása lehetséges.
Figyelem! A fogadó intézmény tanév beosztása többnyire eltér a PE tanév beosztásától. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy megismerje a fogadó intézmény tanév beosztását
Figyelem! A pályázati kiírásban szereplő hónapszámok csupán keretszámok, amelyek nem feltétlenül állnak összhangban a tervezett tanulmányi programmal. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy olyan hónapszámot jelöljön meg, amely illeszkedik a fogadó intézmény tanrendjéhez, és amely idő alatt tanulmányi kötelezettségeit megfelelően el tudja végezni.
Figyelem! A fogadó intézmény tanév beosztása többnyire eltér a PE tanév beosztásától. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy megismerje a fogadó intézmény tanév beosztását
Figyelem! A pályázati kiírásban szereplő hónapszámok csupán keretszámok, amelyek nem feltétlenül állnak összhangban a tervezett tanulmányi programmal. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy olyan hónapszámot jelöljön meg, amely illeszkedik a fogadó intézmény tanrendjéhez, és amely idő alatt tanulmányi kötelezettségeit megfelelően el tudja végezni.
Figyelem! A fogadó intézmény tanév beosztása többnyire eltér a PE tanév beosztásától. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy megismerje a fogadó intézmény tanév beosztását
Figyelem! A pályázati kiírásban szereplő hónapszámok csupán keretszámok, amelyek nem feltétlenül állnak összhangban a tervezett tanulmányi programmal. A hallgató felelőssége, hogy olyan hónapszámot jelöljön meg, amely illeszkedik a fogadó intézmény tanrendjéhez, és amely idő alatt tanulmányi kötelezettségeit megfelelően el tudja végezni.
Fontos: Az érkezés dátuma az a nap, amikor először jelenik meg a fogadóintézményben, az távozás napja az a nap, amikor utoljára jelenik meg a fogadóintézményben.
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1. Rövid — 1 gépelt oldalnál nem hosszabb — kétnyelvű szakmai önéletrajz (magyarul és angolul, illetve a célország nyelvén), 2. Motivációs levél (magyarul és angolul, illetve a célország nyelvén), 3. Szakmai referencia — ajánlólevél — az adott tanszékről (a szakterület oktatójától), 4. Igazolások (indexmásolat, nyelvvizsga bizonyítvány, kiemelkedő tanulmányi és/vagy sporttevékenység, egyéb eredmények, társadalmi és/vagy közösségi tevékenység).
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