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University of Pannonia

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Here, you will find essential information about University of Pannonia. Whether you're embarking on an international exchange, pursuing a fully-funded scholarship, or independently investing in your education and research our platform is designed to help you discover your future experience at the University of Pannonia.

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and multicultural environment

Meet students from all over the world and discover different cultures. The university organizes numerous events to encourage exchange and integration. 2023 was the year of the European Capital of Culture Veszprém-Balaton, so the University of Pannonia has launched a new video series on the university's YouTube channel in the spirit of cultural diversity. The series focuses on international students preparing national dishes of their home countries. In the first season, we will travel the world, from Panama to China, via Iran. The series aims to promote cultural awareness and traditional gastronomy, as well as university life. During the cooking sessions, students share stories and memories of their homes and experiences in Hungary, and show viewers how to prepare national dishes using ingredients found in Hungarian homes.

Watch Taste of Pannonia series!
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an ideal setting for your studies

with its modern facilities and varied programs, the university is renowned for the quality of its teaching and welcoming atmosphere. Our courses are taught by highly qualified professors who are passionate about their field and dedicated to your success. Whether you're interested in the sciences, humanities, engineering or business, you'll find a program that matches your interests and goals. Enjoy state-of-the-art laboratories and plenty of study space to help you excel in your studies. Our dedicated international student team is here to help you every step of the way, from your arrival to your integration into university life. Get involved in clubs, sports and cultural events. Get involved in university life and make lasting memories. This university is not only a place of learning, it's also a place where you can grow personally and professionally.

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University of sustainability

As a response to the environmental problems of the modern world, the university takes an active part in sustainability research and improving the quality of life through innovative solutions. Our University is one of the top institutions in the country in research, development and innovation activities. With modern research centers and laboratories on each campus, the university connects students, academics and industries, who work together for the common benefit. The University has collaborative relationships with around 300 companies in Hungary and abroad. The University of Pannonia is famous for its academic connections with around 360 educational institutions in more than 37 countries.

Did you know?

The University of Pannonia is welcome students from all over the world.
At present, 7% of the university's student body is comprised of individuals from over 60 different countries.

So, why not join us?


Veszprém Campus

Facilities and Infrastructure

The Lower Campus boasts state-of-the-art classrooms, research laboratories, and collaborative spaces designed to enhance the learning and research experience. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in the architecture and operations of these facilities. Energy-efficient buildings, green spaces, and advanced waste management systems are just a few examples of how we integrate eco-friendly practices into our infrastructure.

Academic Excellence

Home to a diverse range of faculties, including the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Information Technology, and the Faculty of Economics, the Lower Campus is a center of academic excellence. Our students and faculty engage in cutting-edge research and innovative projects that address some of the most pressing environmental and technological challenges of our time.

Sustainability Initiatives

The Lower Campus is at the forefront of the University of Pannonia’s sustainability efforts. From implementing renewable energy sources and reducing carbon footprints to promoting sustainable transportation options and conserving natural resources, our campus is a living laboratory for sustainability practices. Initiatives such as campus-wide recycling programs, energy conservation measures, and green building certifications are part of our daily operations.

Accommodation, dormitories

Fulltime students studying in Veszprém can gain admission to five dormitories of residence. This provides accommodation for nearly 1450 students in an organised environment.

Our students may choose between 6 dormitories in 3 cities. Whether you like to stay in a small community, or rather a busy environment in the heart of the city, or just want to chill on the shore of Lake Balaton, you will find your place.


Start your journeyhere

Hungarian study system

Hungarian Higher Education System

Higher Education System in Hungary corresponds to the training system known as the Bologna Process. In 1999, in the University of Bologna in Italy, 29 European countries signed a declaration, which aimed to simplify and standardize higher education in Europe. Below you can read about the most important aspects of the Bologna training system.

Three-level education

In Hungary, according to Bologna system, students can earn the following degree types:

1.     Bachelor’s degree (180-240 credit points), lasting 3-4 years on average

2.     Master’s degree (60-120 credit points), lasting 1-2 years on average

3.     PhD (Doctorate) degree, lasting 2-5 years

Credit System

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System or ECTS is a grading system recognized in the framework of Bologna Process. 60 credits are equivalent to a full academic year or 1500-1800 hours of study. Each course in the curriculum is worth a particular number of credits. 

In Hungary, students attend seminars and lectures. Lectures are usually theoretical courses for bigger audience, while seminars are practice-oriented classes held in a smaller group of students. At the end of each semester, studentshave to pass written or oral exams. 

Grading System

The academic process of students enrolled in Hungarian higher education institutions is evaluated according to the following system:

Grade 5 – excellent
Grade 4 – good
Grade 3 – average
Grade 2 – pass
Grade 1 – fail

Unforgettable experience

Scholarships under the Erasmus+ program

Having an experience for 1 or two semesters?

There is a possibility of securing scholarships through the Erasmus+ program, offering financial support and opportunities for international students.

Hungary as the location is highly convenient, being easily accessible from numerous European capitals, and it boasts an affordable cost of living.

Hungary is part of the European Union. This is a real advantage in terms of administration. Capital city renowned for its dynamism and festive spirit, high-quality, recognized education.

University of Pannonia offers a lots of outdoor activities, many study programs in english and shared experience with many international students

Stipendium Hungaricum and Diaspora Scholarships

Interested in a long degree progamme?

Unlock a world of opportunities with the Stipendium Hungaricum and Diaspora Scholarship Programs at the University of Pannonia!

The Stipendium Hungaricum offers fully funded scholarships to international students, covering tuition fees, accommodation, and a monthly stipend. The Diaspora Scholarship is designed for students with Hungarian heritage, providing comprehensive financial support to study in Hungary. Both programs promote academic excellence and cultural exchange, making the University of Pannonia a prime destination for students seeking quality education and rich cultural experiences.

Athlete Plus Scholarship

Interested in a sport and long degree progamme?

University of Pannonia just launched the Athlete Plus Scholarship, a game-changer for aspiring basketball players. This mini-series dives deep into everything you need to know about the scholarship, from eligibility and application details to the amazing benefits it offers. Join us as we explore: - What makes Athlete Plus special? - How to qualify for the scholarship. - Life as a student-athlete at the University of Pannonia. - Exclusive interviews with coaches and current scholarship recipients. Level up your skills and education with Athlete Plus!

Learn more about these scholarships and start your application today!

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