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University of Pannonia experts receive prestigious environmental award

At the event, Attila Szűcs, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pannonia, was awarded the prize for our environment. László Gábor Seress, President of the Hungarian Ethological Society, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Natural Sciences of the University of Pannonia, received the Memorial Plaque for our Environment. This year's Environment for Us awards and commemorative plaques were presented to the recipients at the Ministry of Energy (EM) by the Ministry's State Secretary for the Environment and the Circular Economy and the Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, who is responsible for protecting the interests of future generations.

Anikó Raisz, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, said that the award is given every year to those who are outstanding in shaping environmental attitudes, shaping a liveable future, seeking sustainability solutions and creating a cleaner and more liveable Hungary. "The timing of the awards is linked to the International World Environment Day, which falls on 5 June, as decided by the United Nations in 1972. The World Organisation declared that the protection of the environment is a precondition for the enjoyment of human rights and well-being, and that decision-makers must also take this into account when developing the economy," the State Secretary said.

Before the award ceremony, Gyula Bándi, Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, highlighted the fundamental law of ecology, according to which "everything is interconnected, and thus activities to preserve the environment are closely linked. The awards also have a role to play in presenting these in all their diversity, since the tasks cover a wide range of areas, from waste management to noise protection, and there are no minor or major successes, all achievements are equally important for the environment," - he added.

The award winners

The event was attended by Miklós Csaba Bulla, founder and former Secretary General of the National Environmental Council, Gábor Mucsi, Dean of the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Miskolc, and Csaba Nemes, Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the University of Miskolc, Tamás Prugberger, professor emeritus of the University of Miskolc, and Attila Szűcs, lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pannonia.

A commemorative plaque for our environment was awarded to

Csaba Gábor Ágoston, President of the Association of Environmental Services and Manufacturers, László Fodor, Lecturer at the University of Debrecen, Gergely Bence Hankó, Managing Director of the Association of Environmental Services and Manufacturers, Brigitta Hidvéghiné Pulay, President of the St. János Pál Pápa Research Centre, Péter Holndonner, Head of the Environmental Protection Group of the Hungarian National Asset Management, Mihály Kurucz, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of ELTE, Imre Salma, Professor at the Institute of Chemistry of ELTE, Gábor László Seress, President of the Hungarian Ethological Society, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Natural Sciences of the University of Pannonia, László Sitányi, Technical Director of the Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation, and Csaba Imre Tóth, Director of Nitrokémia Zrt. CEO of Nitrochemicals