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OTDK 2023 - Two of our students received first place in their sections

Participation in scientific conferences, workshops and events is an essenitial element of every researcher’s academic path. The University of Pannonia encourages the research contribution of our students and supports them in sharing their academic results.

Participation in scientific conferences, workshops and events is an essenitial element of every researcher’s academic path. The University of Pannonia encourages the research contribution of our students and supports them in sharing their academic results.

One of such opportunities was the National Scientific Student Conference, or OTDK (Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia) - the largest scientific event of the country. The conference welcomes both Hungarian and international students yearly and allows participants to present their research results in a wide variety of disciplines. We are proud to say that two of our international students, Mo Fan and Sadh Sathawattey, were among the awardees of the conference, both receiving the first place in their sections. Below, they shared their impressions of the conference. Let’s find out what their experience was like!

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How did you know about OTDK?

Mo Fan: I had heard about this competition before from my classmates and professors. After I finished writing my graduate thesis, my supervisor recommended me to participate in the university's TDK, and then I was very lucky to be chosen by the university to participate in the OTDK.

Sadh Sathawattey: My research received the first place in TDK (Institution level), therefore, it was qualified for the OTDK (National level). Initially, I got to know about this competition via University of Pannonia’s Facebook post. My supervisor also told me about this competition and encouraged me to apply as well.

Please tell us about your research.

Mo Fan: My research topic is relatively new: Travel Live Streaming (TLS). Simply said, live streaming usually happens through social media. Although people reside in different places, live streaming may bring them closer, the high degree of online interaction and lack of distance makes it popular with young people.

TLS provides destination managers and companies with a new method to promote themselves, and many viewers become potential customers of tourism products and services. This growing industry not only proved valuable during the epidemic, but also seems to offer an option for the sustainable development of the tourism industry in the future. Currently there are many research gaps for it and I hope that my research will let more people understanding of it.

Sadh Sathawattey: My research is about Measuring Service Quality: Perceptions of the Employees in Hotel Industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hungary. By creating this research, I hope to investigate hotel employees' perceptions of service quality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary. Furthermore, the focus of my study is on employee satisfaction and loyalty, since I want to emphasize the relevance of knowing about employee perceptions and opinions on work amid a crisis.

What are the benefits of the academic events like this?

Mo Fan: I would choose to continue attending such events if the opportunity is provided. Attending conferences like these helps us to learn about the most recent research, study the development of research in many sectors, and share our own findings. It's also an excellent opportunity to meet others with similar interests and professors from different universities. This exchange and interaction can help us grow.

In addition, the competition itself is an opportunity to improve your skills and abilities. The OTDK also provides participants with prizes, diplomas, awards, and publication possibilities, which will undoubtedly enhance your learning experience for those who plan to continue their studies at university in the future. So I would recommend other Pannonia students to participate as well.

What were the criteria, according to which the presentations were evaluated?

Mo Fan: The organizer or the judges generally decide on the assessment criteria for presentations. I believe that the following things might be included in the OTDK assessment criteria:

Firstly, with regard to the content of the study, the presentation of the objectives and methods should be clear, and the derivation and presentation of the results - easy to understand.

Second, for presenting and presentation abilities, consider the following: attractive, structured slides, professional use of diagrams and tables, accurate use of technical vocabulary and definitions, and clear and logical presentation. I also believe that excellent engagement with the audience is important.

There are also innovation and possibilities, whether novel research questions and research ideas are offered.

Please tell us about the venue. Where did the conference take place?

Sadh Sathawattey: The conference was held in János Selye University located in Komárom city, Slovakia which is very close to the Hungarian-Slovakia border.  There were 3 different competition venues as listed below:

  • János Selye University Conference Center
  • János Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics
  • Official Pavilion

What did you like the most about the conference?

Sadh Sathawattey: The conference was very well organized. The participants also received free accommodation and meal plus gala dinner throughout the entire period of the conference. The classroom where we presented our research were all well-equipped, and the technical assistants were very helpful. Overall, it was great.

What are your future academic plans? Are you planning to publish your work or present at other conferences?

Sadh Sathawattey: I am currently working on a research paper related to student satisfaction in University of Pannonia’s library. I am aiming to publish this paper by the end of this year. I am also planning to publish the paper that I presented at the OTDK soon as well.

What are your overall impressions of the conference and the programme of the event?

Mo Fan: The whole OTDK meeting procedure left me very impressed. The conference organizers did a great job of giving the participants access to enough information and resources. And the participants who were representing our university received the best support and guidance offered.

The sharing and interaction with students and professors will be of great help to my research work. Overall, as an international student, I am honored to have participated in this competition and won first place. Having this stage to present my research interests and findings has also been a benefit.

Sadh Sathawattey: OTDK has given me the greatest opportunity to learn about myself and stretch my academic research skills and scientific knowledge. For those who are considering to join this competition, please do not hesitate to do so. It’s a great opportunity for you to challenge yourself academically. You will have a whole bunch to learn from and it is very exciting to be able to present it as you are the sole author of your own research. It will also be useful for you when you start your future papers and thesis.

We warmly congratulate Mo Fan, Sadh Satthawattey and other participants of the conference on their success and wish them the best of luck in their further research!

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