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Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Day - discovering collaboration opportunities

On the 22nd of May, the University of Pannonia welcomed the guests from our international partner universities for our first Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Day. Seven university representatives – from Turkey, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, - got familiar with the University of Pannonia and got involved into exciting exchange of experience.

The programme started with the official greetings of the guests by Vivien Szekér, the Head of International Department and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Dr. Szilárd Szentgyörgyi. The visitors took part in a tour around the campus and visited diffrent faculties and departments of the university – Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Humanities, Library and the Knowledge Centre. The representatives of the University of Pannonia told the guests about the main directions of the R&D&I activity at the University, study programmes, important projects and plans for development.


During the second part of the programme, our international guests could participate in optional sessions to learn more about different aspects of the academic and cultural life at the University. They could visit some of the engineering and computer science labs, as well as have a small tour in Pannon Community Hub – the social and cultural centre of the university.  


Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Day became and opportunity for the University of Pannonia and our partner universities to establish promising connections and define the directions for possible academic and research collaboration. We thank the participants of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Day and express our gratitude to the representatives of the faculties and units for the valuable help in the organization of this interesting and informative event.