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Publication opportunity: www.filologia.hu - Mobile Communications special issue

The journal Filológia.hu announces a special issue on mobile communication (mobile phone, smartphone). http://www.filologia.hu/ is the online journal of the Modern Philological Society of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

 The journal Filológia.hu announces a special issue on mobile communication (mobile phone, smartphone).

About the journal Filológia.hu

Filológia.hu is an online, peer-reviewed journal affiliated to the Modern Philological Society of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Founded in 2010, the multilingual journal on communication and media studies, linguistics, literature and translation studies will be published by Ludovika Publishing from 2023.

The journal will include longer studies, smaller publications and reviews. The language of the journal is mainly Hungarian, but scientific papers in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Croatian, Serbian, etc. are also accepted (only after proof-reading by the author). Articles are accompanied by abstracts in Hungarian and English.

Papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the Advisory Board or by external referees, and articles will be published in the journal only with the permission and recommendation of the reviewer. As Filológia.hu is a peer-reviewed journal, papers published here may be accepted as official publications.

About the publication possibility

We are open until 31 March 2023:

-      papers of up to 40,000 characters with spaces,

-      shorter papers of approximately 20,000 characters with spaces, and

-      reviews, with no restrictions on length

on the topic of mobile communication, in the fields of communication and media studies, linguistics, translation studies and literary studies, in Hungarian or English.

Topic ideas:

-     social media applications, social networks, mobile social media

-     language and communication features and implications of mobile vs. smartphone use

-     history, difficulties, limitations of mobile communication research

-     attention economy: content production and consumption

-     mobile use in different countries, cultural differences

-     the role of mobile devices in family communication

-     socio-communication changes at work due to mobile phones,
communication in the workplace

-     consumption of news on mobile

-     mobile applications for education

-     selfies, self-promotion, visual mobile communication

-     SMS poems, instanovels, picture poems: new literary genres?

-     consumption and reception of literary texts on mobile

-     mobile translators, AI-based translation applications

-     location-based information, location-based marketing communication, location-based games

-     mobile and socio-geographical mobility

Submission on Ludovika Publishers' Filológia.hu: 


Further information and editorial requests are available on the journal's website:
