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Today, 12 Hungarian universities rank among the top 5% worldwide, demonstrating the success and competitiveness of the renewed higher education model. The Universities 2030 conference provided an opportunity to discuss past experiences, best practices, and explore new paths for further strengthening Hungarian universities. (Source: veol.hu)
The conference, held at the University of Pannonia, was opened by Veronika Varga-Bajusz, State Secretary for Higher Education, Vocational and Adult Education, and Youth Affairs. In her speech, she highlighted that out of more than 190 evaluated countries, Hungary ranks 36th in terms of labor market adaptability and 49th in GDP performance. The essence of the university model transformation lies in how well institutions can collaborate with the economy, foster innovation, and serve as catalysts for their regions. She emphasized the importance of attracting international students and faculty members and promoting lifelong learning. The Student Future Program was also established, highlighting the significance of increasing dormitory capacities and scholarships.
Ágoston Sámuel Mráz, Director of the Nézőpont Institute, spoke about the efforts to bring the universities undergoing the model change into the public spotlight. According to survey respondents, universities should govern themselves, 64% believe they should collaborate with the business sector, and they disagree with the discontinuation of the Erasmus program.
Zoltán Birkner, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, noted that engineering process thinking has been integral to the University of Pannonia since its inception. The number of domestic and international students has grown alongside the expansion of academic programs in recent years. The university aimed to enhance its recognition by becoming the University of Lake Balaton. Each research institute has a specific role in Balaton-related studies, and there are plans to develop a creative industry in the region to attract young talent.
Finally, Balázs Hankó, Minister for Culture and Innovation, emphasized that the renewed university model is functioning effectively. The key to success lies in the initiatives of universities and their supporters. The past years have demonstrated that universities operate with real autonomy, predictability, flexibility, and economic collaboration.
7 Achievements of Hungarian Universities
The Pannonia Program successfully connects Hungarian students with universities worldwide. The goal of the Universities 2030 initiative is to position Hungarian universities among the best in the world. As part of the Carpathian Basin University Tour Program, institutions will be visited to gather students' opinions. In May, the Carpathian Basin Higher Education Excellence Gala will be held, recognizing the most student-friendly, most athletic, and most innovative universities.
Photo: Tudósné Ódor Eszter, University of Pannonia