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Recognition of the University of Pannonia’s Research Infrastructures at the NKFI Office’s Official Ceremony

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics hosted the official ceremony for the presentation of the "Excellent Research Infrastructure" certificates, awarded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH). The event also marked the official launch of the project titled "Building an RDI Ecosystem Through Targeted Research and Innovation Services and the Operation of an Entrepreneurial Discovery Process" (GINOP PLUSZ-2.1.2-22 – 2024 – 00002).


Pictured: Dr. Renáta Gerencsérné Berta, Dr. Tamás Ruppert, Dr. Janka Bobek-Nagy, Dr. Róbert Kurdi, Dr. Gábor Járvás

A key highlight of the program was the awarding of the certificates, where five research infrastructures of the University of Pannonia received the prestigious "Excellent Research Infrastructure" designation:

  • Bio-nanotechnology and Environmental Systems Analytics Laboratory

  • Human-Centered Digitalization Solutions Industry 5.0 Laboratory

  • Waste Management Competence Center

  • Catalytic Technology Development Methodological Center (Budapest University of Technology and Economics & University of Pannonia Research Network)

  • Water Science and Water Security Research Network (University of Pannonia, National University of Public Service, University of Miskolc, University of Debrecen, Széchenyi István University, University of Nyíregyháza, with supporting organizations: General Directorate of Water Management and HungaroMET Zrt.)

During the event, NKFIH leaders—including Deputy President László Lengyel, Head of the Strategy and Monitoring Department Péter Racskó, and experts Györgyi Juhász and László Nemes—delivered presentations on the development of research infrastructures and the newly launched flagship project. They also introduced the funding opportunities available under the GINOP Plus program and discussed the domestic and international collaboration possibilities for research infrastructures.

Beyond recognizing outstanding research infrastructures, the event provided a platform for professional discussions and the establishment of future collaborations. NKFIH representatives emphasized that the newly developed infrastructures will contribute to the economic and social utilization of Hungary’s research and innovation achievements, while also strengthening the country’s international research partnerships.

Congratulations on this outstanding recognition! 🎉